Tag: Chicken breeds

The Jersey Giant Chicken Breed

The Jersey Giant is a true American breed of chicken! These gentle giants are excellent for both egg production and meat. Are you considering adding this calm and laid-back breed to your flock? Read more about them here!

The Orpington Chicken Breed

Orpington chickens are one of the best breeds of chicken out there! Considering adding Orpingtons to your flock? Keep reading to learn more about this friendly breed!

The Easter Egger Chicken Hybrid

Easter Eggers are one of the most popular chicken breeds, known for their colorful eggs and uniquely beautiful plumage. They make a wonderful addition to any backyard flock! Considering adding Easter Egger chickens to your own flock? Keep reading to learn more about this incredible hybrid!

The Andalusian Chicken Breed

Andalusian chickens are one of the most stunning and unusual chicken breeds. Their blue-black feathers and striking red combs make them stand out in a flock, and their friendly dispositions make them a joy to keep. Considering adding Andalusian chickens to your flock? Keep reading to learn more about this incredible breed!